HTML Tutorials

HTML – Basic Page Setup

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a “mark-up language” used to “mark-up” a text document with tags that tell a web browser how to display the page.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Advanced Page Setup

To expand on a basic HTML setup and make it an advanced HTML setup we can add meta tags, the lang attribute, and links to external CSS/JS.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Building with Semantic Elements

A semantic element is one that clearly describes the meaning of its content to both the browser and the code developer for ease of organizing the page data.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Headings

Headings in HTML come in the form of h1 through h6 tags. They are used to break up the text on your page into grouping for easier reading and better SEO.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Paragraphs

The p tag is a way to structure your text into different paragraphs. Each paragraph of text should go in between an opening p and a closing /p tag.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Block Quote and Quotation

The blockquote tag and q tag both define a section of text that is quoted from another source and may need to stand out on their own.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Line Breaks

Use a line break br if you want to start a new line without starting a new paragraph (using the p tag).

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Horizontal Rules

The hr tag creates a horizontal line that spans the width of the area it sits within to visually separate sections of a document.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Nonbreaking Spaces

A non-breaking space can be used between words so that the browser doesn’t split the words across two lines.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – iFrames

An HTML iframe is used to create a rectangular region, including scrollbars and borders, in one web page to display another web page.

HTML Reference

HTML – Article Tag

The article tag is used in a blog post, forum post, magazine article, etc. It specifies a self-contained composition in a site, document, or page.

HTML Reference

HTML – Aside Tag

The aside tag refers to content loosely related to the rest of the page content. If it is removed, the remaining content will still make sense.

HTML Reference

HTML – Blockquote Tag

The blockquote tag defines a section of text that is quoted from another source and may need to stand out on its own to some extent.

HTML Reference

HTML – Body Tag

The body tag defines the document’s body which contains all the contents, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.

HTML Reference

HTML – Break Tag

Use a br tag if you want to start a new line without starting a new paragraph. Unlike a new paragraph, no top or bottom margin will be added.

HTML Reference


The div tag allows you to group together multiple elements to create sections or subsections on the page.

HTML Reference

HTML – Footer Tag

The footer tag defines a footer for a document or section within a document. It often contain contact info, copyright, and a sitemap amongst other things.


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