PHP Reference

PHP – and Keyword

The PHP and keyword is a logical operator and is used to combine conditional statements.

PHP Reference

PHP – as Keyword

The PHP as keyword is used by the foreach loop to establish which variables contain the key and value of an element.

PHP Reference

PHP – break Keyword

The PHP break keyword is used to break out of for loops, foreach loops, while loops, do… while loops and switch conditions.

PHP Reference

PHP – callable Keyword

The PHP callable keyword is used to force a function argument to be a reference to a function.

PHP Reference

PHP – case Keyword

The PHP case keyword is used to jump to a line of code when an expression has a specific value in a switch conditional.

PHP Reference

PHP – const Keyword

The PHP const keyword is used to create constants, and must be declared in the global scope.

PHP Reference

PHP – default Keyword

The PHP default keyword is used in a switch block to specify which code to run when none of the case statements were matched by the expression.

PHP Reference

PHP – echo Keyword

The PHP echo keyword is used to output text, and can output multiple strings separated by commas.

PHP Reference

PHP – else Keyword

The PHP else keyword specifies a block of code which should run when the condition of an if statement is not met.

PHP Reference

PHP – elseif Keyword

The PHP elseif keyword tests a new condition if the condition of a previous if or elseif statement was not met.

PHP Reference

PHP – empty Keyword

The PHP empty keyword acts as a function which returns true if a variable does not exist, or if its value is considered empty.


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