JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – break Statement

The break statement stops code execution within the switch, and also breaks out of a loop, continuing to execute code that comes after the loop.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – const Statement

The const statement declares a variable (container for storing information) with an immediately defined value that will not change.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – continue Statement

The continue statement breaks an iteration in the loop, if a specified condition occurs, and then continues with the next iteration in the loop.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – debugger Statement

The debugger statement stops the execution of a script and calls the debugger. If debugging is unavailable, the statement has no effect.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – for…in Statement

The for…in statement loops over the properties of an object, executing a block of code inside the loop once for each item found.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – for…of Statement

The for…of statement loops over the values of any iterable, executing a block of code inside the loop once for each item found.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – function Statement

The function statement declares a function to be executed later, when it is called. Functions are objects, and have both properties and methods.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – if…else Statement

The if…else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true, and optionally, another block of code if false.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – let Statement

The let statement declares a variable (container for storing information), and can be empty when declared, with the value assigned later.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – switch Statement

The switch statement executes different blocks of code depending on set conditions, and uses the break keyword to break out of the switch block.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – throw Statement

The throw statement allows you to generate a custom error (throw an exception), which can be a String, a Number, a Boolean, or an Object.

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript – var Statement

The var statement declares a variable (container for storing information), and can be empty when declared, with the value assigned later.


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