HTML Tutorials


A semantic element is one that clearly describes the meaning of its content to both the browser and the code developer for ease of organizing the page data. Instead of simply using a div tag to section off the contents of a document into its various chunks (for instance, header, content, sidebar, and footer) it is better to use a structure indicative to what the various parts of the site represent by using semantic elements.

The user will not see the semantic element labeling, but it will allow them and the browsser to get a better “feel” for how the document is laid out, and therefore they will be able to navigate the document more comfortably.

Below is a sample of how you might section of the various parts of a page to make things easier to understand.

HTML Semantic Structure
HTML Semantic Structure

Below are the tags generally accepted to be semantic elements.

Semantic Tags

HTML – Address Tag

The address tag defines the contact information for the owner of a document/article and can be an email address, URL, physical address, phone number, etc.

HTML – Article Tag

The article tag is used in a blog post, forum post, magazine article, etc. It specifies a self-contained composition in a site, document, or page.

HTML – Aside Tag

The aside tag refers to content loosely related to the rest of the page content. If it is removed, the remaining content will still make sense.

HTML – Figure Tag

The figure tag is used to mark up a photo in a document to add the figcaption tag which defines a caption for the photo.

HTML – Footer Tag

The footer tag defines a footer for a document or section within a document. It often contain contact info, copyright, and a sitemap amongst other things.

HTML – Header Tag

The header element is a container for things like a logo, breadcrumbs, navigation links, or other introductory content.

HTML – Main Tag

The main tag specifies the main content of a page and should not contain anything that is repeated across other pages such as sidebars, navigation, etc.

HTML – Mark Tag

The mark tag defines text that should be marked or highlighted for reference purposes or for its relevance in some context.

HTML – Nav Tag

The nav tag defines a set of navigation links intended to be a navigation block such as a main menu, sidebar menu, or footer menu.

HTML – Section Tag

The section tag specifies a section in a document. There can be multiple sections on the same page.

HTML – Time Tag

The time tag is used for displaying a human-readable date and time. The datetime attribute is added to translate into a machine-readable format.

HTML – Word Break Tag

The wbr (word break opportunity) tag specifies where, in a string of text, it would be preferred to add a line break if necessary.

We’d like to acknowledge that we learned a great deal of our coding from W3Schools and TutorialsPoint, borrowing heavily from their teaching process and excellent code examples. We highly recommend both sites to deepen your experience, and further your coding journey. We’re just hitting the basics here at 1SMARTchicken.


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