HTML Tutorials

HTML – Email Links

An HTML hyperlink can be used to create a link to an email address. A default subject and body can be included.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Using Entities

In HTML/CSS there are specific entities that can be placed via code. This is a list of some of the most used HTML entities and their CSS equivalents.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Image Links and ImageMaps

By wrapping and image inside a hyperlink the image becomes a clickable link. This is often uses to allow the user to view a larger version of the image.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Block Quote and Quotation

The blockquote tag and q tag both define a section of text that is quoted from another source and may need to stand out on their own.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Text Links

The HTML hyperlink is used for creating a link to another document, image, video, or to a section of the current document.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Line Breaks

Use a line break br if you want to start a new line without starting a new paragraph (using the p tag).

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Horizontal Rules

The hr tag creates a horizontal line that spans the width of the area it sits within to visually separate sections of a document.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Nonbreaking Spaces

A non-breaking space can be used between words so that the browser doesn’t split the words across two lines.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Basic Tables

HTML tables allow for data to be arranged into rows and columns using the table tag, which contains the tr tag for rows and the td tag for data cells.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Table Formatting

Table size, borders, cell padding, cell spacing, can all be changed by using attributes. Multiple rows or columns can be merged into one.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Advanced Tables

Advanced HTML tables may contain thead, tbody, and tfoot tags, along with a caption, within the table to give the data better structure.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Lists

There are three different types of HTML lists: ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Basic Forms

An HTML form is used to collect user input and send to a server for processing.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Advanced Form Inputs

An HTML form can have text inputs, textarea inputs, checkboxes, and radio buttons to gather user information to be sent to a server for processing.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – iFrames

An HTML iframe is used to create a rectangular region, including scrollbars and borders, in one web page to display another web page.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Embedding a YouTube Video

Embedding a YouTube video on your site is as easy as going to the video on YouTube, clicking their share button, and grabbing the embed code.

HTML Tutorials

HTML – Drawing Using SVG

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and is used to define graphics for the web using the XML format.


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