When using other JavaScript frameworks on your site along with jQuery, there is the potential for a conflict to happen, where multiple frameworks try to run the same block of code.

The following shows a typical line of jQuery. What makes the browser realize it’s dealing with something that is NOT plain JavaScript, is the $. This tells the browser to use jQuery.


However, there are other JavaScript frameworks/libraries that use the $, and if you are using multiple libraries that do so, there may (probably will) be a conflict.

Writing Out jQuery Instead of Using $

One way to overcome any conflicts with other libraries is to write out jQuery instead of using the $ sign.


Here’s what it looks like in a typical block of jQuery code. This will avoid any conflicts.

					jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('button').click(function() {

The noConflict() Method

Another (maybe better) way to avoid the conflict is to use the noConflict() method built into jQuery to assign a different string to notify the browser that jQuery is being used. In the following, “jq” is assigned to represent the default $ sign.

					var jq = $.noConflict();
jq(document).ready(function() {
    jq('button').click(function() {

Using the noConflict method, any string can be assigned to represent the $ in jQuery.

var xx = $.noConflict();
var Pete = $.noConflict();
var whatever = $.noConflict();

With all this said, it is unlikely that you’ll have a conflict and need to use anything other than the default $ sign. Most often, you don’t use numerous JavaScript frameworks, as that would be unnecessary and would contain a lot of redundant methods. Plus, it slows down the site.