JavaScript has numerous operators that can be used, in part, to do mathematical calculations, assign values to variables, and compare values.

Below are just a few examples of these operators. After each section there is a link to a reference page for each, showing the complete list of operators and how they are used.

Arithmetic Operators

JavaScript arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic between variables and/or values.

					let x = 3 + 2; // answer: 5
					let x = 3 - 2; // answer: 1
					let x = 3 * 2; // answer: 6
					let x = 3 / 2; // answer: 1.5

Assignment Operators

JavaScript assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

					let x = y; // x will equal y
					let x += y; // same as x = x + y

Comparison Operators

JavaScript comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or inequality between variables and/or values.

					x == 8 // determines if x is equal to 8
					x != 8 // determines if x is NOT equal to 8
					x > 8 // determines if x is greater than 8
					x <= 8 // determines if x is less than or equal to 8