HTML Tutorials


The HTML comment tag !-- -- is used to insert comments in the source code of the page. Anything placed in the space between the !-- -- tags is considered a comment and is not displayed in the browser.

					<!-- This is a comment where we make notes about our code -->

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Browsers will not display comments on the page, but they can still be seen in the source code. This is most often used to write notes about the code itself for future reference. However, it can also be used to keep something from showing on the page temporarily, which can then be uncommented at some point and used again without the need to re-write the code.

					<!-- <p>This is a hidden paragraph.</p> -->

<p>This is a <!-- partially hidden --> paragraph.</p>

The comment tag can also be used across several lines of code to “comment it all out”.

<h1>This is our hidden heading</h1>
<p>And this is our hidden paragraph</p>

A few things about HTML comments:

  1. A comment cannot be placed inside another comment
  2. The double-dash sequence cannot appear inside the comment except as part of the opening and closing tag
  3. The opening and closing tags of a comment cannot have spaces separating their characters; having a space directly before or after is fine

We’d like to acknowledge that we learned a great deal of our coding from W3Schools and TutorialsPoint, borrowing heavily from their teaching process and excellent code examples. We highly recommend both sites to deepen your experience, and further your coding journey. We’re just hitting the basics here at 1SMARTchicken.


Why 1SMARTchicken?

This site was built and is maintained to benefit my autistic son.
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My Son's Name is Johnny

He was diagnosed as autistic quite late, at age four...
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If you see an error on the page or the code itself is incorrect or incomplete, or just plain wrong, please let us know. We’re always learning. NOTE: we do not sell your information and will not send you spam emails.