PHP Reference

PHP – array_unshift() Function

The PHP array_unshift() function inserts new elements to the beginning of an array. Numeric keys will start at 0. String keys will remain the same.

PHP Reference

PHP – array_walk() Function

The PHP array_walk() function runs each array element in a user-defined function with the array’s keys and values as parameters in the function.

PHP Reference

PHP – array_walk_recursive() Function

The PHP array_walk_recursive() function runs each array element in a user-defined function with the array’s keys and values as parameters in the function.

PHP Reference

PHP – arsort() Function

The PHP arsort() function sorts an associative array in descending order, according to the value.

PHP Reference

PHP – asort() Function

The PHP asort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the value.

PHP Reference

PHP – compact() Function

The PHP compact() function creates an array from variables and their values. Any strings that does not match variable names will be skipped.

PHP Reference

PHP – current() Function

The PHP current() function returns the value of the current element (every array has an internal pointer to the “current” element) in an array.

PHP Reference

PHP – end() Function

The PHP end() function moves the internal pointer to the last element in the array and outputs that element.

PHP Reference

PHP – extract() Function

The PHP extract() function uses array keys as variable names and values as variable values to import variables into the local symbol table from an array.

PHP Reference

PHP – key() Function

The PHP key() function returns the element key from the current internal pointer position and FALSE if there is an error.

PHP Reference

PHP – ksort() Function

The PHP ksort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the key.

PHP Reference

PHP – list() Function

The PHP list() function is used to assign values to a list of variables in one operation.

PHP Reference

PHP – natcasesort() Function

The PHP natcasesort() function sorts an array by using a “natural order” (2 is less than the number 10) algorithm. This function is case-insensitive.


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